Saturday, March 28, 2009

Its been an interesting fall

As I was working the register at Tiny's today, I ran into this guy who I had met through a friend some months ago. He was a nice enough guy, quiet and laid-back. He is also a diabetic who doesn't really take care of himself, and my friend was forced to move out (with his daughter) because this guy's weekly episodes and trips to the ER had become too much of a burden. I notice he has a massive splint on his right leg. He broke his knee, and talks about how he is between houses and is hopefully moving away from Portland because it is just not really working out here. He mentions what an interesting fall its been. 

He takes his coffee and scone and goes to sit down. Time slips by.

As I turn toward the next customer there is a commotion by the door. This guy is going into a full-on diabetic seizure. Right there in the store as someone is about to order a fucking hazelnut latte. We all gape for a moment. His hands claw at the table and he is white as ghost, kicking and writhing in his booth by the window. A few folks hold his head up as he is shaking and convulsing and we call 911 and they arrive and fix him up in a matter of minutes. He leaves with them, stretcher and all, out the door and into the pissing rain.

What did he mean by an 'interesting fall'? It was the one thing he said that really stuck out to me. Was he speaking in a metaphorical sense about his trajectory in life or did he momentarily forget what season it was?

I was left to wonder if this really is such a common occurrence in his life, how he made it this far on sheer luck and empathy of strangers and, most importantly, how much longer can he keep doing this before it ends in an even more interesting but mostly sad fall?


  1. Diabetic seizure = orange juice. Next time you seen him, tell him to carry some packets of honey with him, and if he's feeling real down and maybe is sweating when there's no real reason, he can suck one of those down and should be ok.

  2. I think this could all be more of a fall from grace, like an angel getting kicked out of heaven, only without the god aspect. More like falling from the good grace of friendship, companionship or even good sence of self... Without the respect and love that comes from a woman your friends and yourself who's to say any of us wouldn't fall to the floor shaking as well...
